Dogs Trust
Design Sprint
4 Days

Figma, Adobe Photoshop

My Role
UX / UI Design, Web Design
What is Dogs Trust?
Sprint Overview
Double Diamond
Day 1

UI has a consistant design system.
The message comes across strong and is visually appealing.
Navigation bar is only accessible on certain devices
Donations are limited and appear confusing e.g. 3 ways to donate - no straight route.
Volunteering jobs are only accessible by the footer.

Users to experience a smoother donations process.

Can we make it easily accessible?
How can we shorten the process?
Donation Flow
RSPCA is a top competitor with dog's trust. The website is user-friendly, responsive one all devices and has a clear navigation bar to make it easier for visitors to find information, donate, or engage with the organisation.
Cancer Research
Cancer Research is one the most recognised non-profitable organisations. The branding focuses on building a community. The user experience is effortless and intuitive, users can donate and access information on the company easily.

Interviewees expressed a mistrust for Non Profit “Ubiquity”.

Users said they know very little about Dogs Trust.

People want to know where their donation goes to

2 interviewees are non-profit employees.

Non Profit employees interviewees insisted that transparency is crucial for people to be comfortable making donations and for the organisations reputation

Only one interviewee uses Dog's Trust.

Users also expressed that the cause must be compelling, and you must find people who connect with your cause so they are likely to donate
Affinity Mapping

Pain Points

“How do we know if organisations are telling the truth”.

“Don’t tell people openly about donating in case they have differing opinions”.

“I’ve not heard much about Dogs Trust, I’ve mainly heard about RSCPA”.


"Feeling like you are making a difference is something we could all use."

Imperative to be transparent with how funds have been raised and spent.

Being emotionally invested in the cause

The cause must compel people


Assumes non profit organisation pay staff and genuinely don’t make profit for themselves.

Donates to cause which can be personally related to.

Generally doesn’t donate due to financial implications.

"feels good to donate especially when you care and are passionate about the cause"
Transparency and Engagement
Awareness and Personal Connection
Emotional Connection and Impact
How Might We
enable transparency whilst creating a smoother donation process, so users feel emotionally connected to the cause and are guaranteed that their contribution is making a positive impact?
Day 2

Proto Persona
Day 3

Usability Test
No difficulties with home page or confirmation page
The cause of the organisation was clearly displayed with resources for reference
Layout of donation page counter-intuitive
Assuming to immediately donate instead of adding gifts
Consistent feedback about confusion using donation page
Day 4